Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fisher Price Rain Forest Swing

The Rain Forest Swing by Fisher Price has been one of our better purchases. It has been a real help in getting the Littlest One to take naps. It swings from side to side or from front to back, and there is also a mobile suspended above. The best part is that the swing also includes some audio clips (lullabies, rain forest sounds, etc). 

Well the swing worked great for 3 months, then the sound broke. No music=no naps! I reached for my receipt only to remember that I threw it out a few weeks prior. Oh no! I'm stuck with a broken swing, I thought. 

I'll just call Fisher Price and see what happens. It can't hurt.  I called and they are sending a brand new top that I can install, to be mailed the very next day! Wow, I asked the kind lady how they could do this without a receipt. She just said that they stand behind their products and take their customers word on when they purchased the item. It's guaranteed for a year.

I'm thrilled. Fixed swing=more sleep for the Little Man (and me).