Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to the Future

Baby turns 4 months old today and it just hit me like 1.21 gigawatts: Having a baby really messes with your space-time continuum.

Apart from being up all night and having myriad Descartes moments where you can't tell whether you are awake or dreaming, time is passing by like a 88 mph Delorean. It's enough to give Doctor Emmet Brown a headache.

Do you know the feeling? It's strange that the days turn into months so fast when each day seems to take so long to pass. Sometimes you want to freeze-frame and just linger in the moment for a while, but it passes all too quickly. Other times you reach for the fast forward button but time will not let you pass. Not unlike the self-righteous-rolling-road-blocks who clog up the left lane, just sitting there, pretending not to notice you or your horn.

Being a new dad has brought time to the forefront and I value anew this most precious commodity. 4 months will turn into 4 years faster than a left hook from George McFly. So, its time to live in the moment and stop reaching for the remote.

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